Monday, December 9, 2019

Prenatal Teaching Plan Click to Get a Sample Solution

Question: Discuss about thePrenatal Teaching Plan. Answer: Introduction Pregnancy is a biological process, which brings a new life on earth. The fetus is being nourished in the safe environment of mothers womb. Thus, it is one of the crucial parts in a womans life. The pregnant women as well as her family and dear ones should take adequate care towards her health as the pregnant women is carrying a new life in her womb. In addition, the pregnant woman should have adequate knowledge regarding pregnancy, the restrictions and self care strategies (Orr, Blazer Orr, 2012). It is because, lack of knowledge leads to inadequate behavior, which might harm the fetus, which is one of the most prevalent reason behind miscarriages in teenage pregnancy. Thus, it is very important to educate new mothers prior to their delivery. In this assignment, the focus is educating Aries, who is a pregnant teenager, on her first visit to the clinic. Clients Stage of Growth In the given scenario, Aries is a 17 years old aboriginal female, who is 12 weeks pregnant. She has an aboriginal family background, in grade 11. She lives with her mother, 2 older sisters and 2 older brothers. A has a well school background and likes to play volleyball. At her first prenatal visit, Aries depicted that she was not expected to be pregnant. Aries do not have a history of sedentary lifestyle, though she admitted that she drinks a little on weekend, but she is not obsessed to that. It has been seen that her mother has dominance over her, as it has been observed that her mother did not give her the opportunity to tell something about her past medical history and what she told was not correct. Being an aboriginal, her socio-economic status was not well (Niccols et al., 2012). Thus, these two factors, including SES and knowledge level, prenatal education are very important to her. According to Erikson's stages of psychosocial development theory, there are nine stages of psy chological development in human life and Aries is in 5th stage known as teenage or adolescence, when people are concerned with how they appear to others. At this age, the transition from a childhood to adulthood occurs and the child develops a sense of sexual identity (Ruiz-Mirazo, Lopez-Yarto McDonald, 2012). At this age, a common problem is identity crisis and role confusion. However, this age is not appropriate for having a baby, because, both the physical and psychological growth for being a mother comes in adulthood, instead of the fact that a girl gain the ability to conceive after her first menstruation cycle. Thus, it is evident that after getting pregnant, Aries is going through a phase of identity crisis and role confusion, as she will not be able to concentrate on her education and hobbies and is not prepare to nourish and take care of a baby (Girard Olude, 2012). These issues are raising the need for her prenatal teaching, as she wants to keep the baby. However, as she wants to keep the bay, she is ready to learn about self care for her babys good health. No language concern is mentioned for her. Priority Health Education Needs One priority heath education need for Aries is her young age, which is not suitable for being a mother. Aries is 17 years old and at this age, girls development is not completed yet, which might affect her as well as her childs health. Thus, a number of precautions and educational knowledge, food concerns should be provided to her, for her safe and healthy behavior during pregnancy. The second priority health education need is her lack of knowledge about taking care of a baby and unwillingness of breast feed her baby. Breast feed is very important for an infants health (Orr, Blazer Orr, 2012). According to the national and international pediatric guidelines, an infant should be breast fed only for the first 6 months, thus it is important to convey this awareness to her for her babys good health. The second priority can be classified as psychological priority as it is difficult for Aries to change her emotional and psychological demands from a teen to a parent. As she is in school, s he is not familiar with the pros and cons of pregnancy and breast feeding, thus role confusion will lead to emotional stress, which might affect her babys health. Learning Objectives for Aries Learning objectives SMART framework Specific Measurable Attainable Reliable Time-specific 1. To reduce physical hazards As it is related to Ariess health Through Ariess physical examination With in-depth health promotion Getting knowledge will help Aries to take good care of herself, attaining a good health 1 month To reduce emotional stress As it is dealing with Ariess mental well being Through the assessment of Ariess health behavior and level of stress With person-centered counseling or family therapy Reducing her mental stress will also reduce the risk of babys health concern 2 month To enhance her awareness about pregnancy and contraception Specifically indicating pregnancy and contraception Through assessment of her view towards contraception With promotion and group discussion Will help Aries to be aware of pregnancy issues in future 1 month To provide lessons regarding breast feeding Indicating breast feeding specifically By assessing Ariess Brest feeding skills in demonstration class Promotion and demonstration Will enhance Ariess breast feeding skills 1 month To make familiar with a babys emotional and physical demand Specifically focusing on familiarity within mother and infant Assessing her readiness to be a mother Promotional session Reduce her emotional stress 1 month To enhance her family support Dealing with Ariess family Assessing behavior and support of member Involving family members in promotion Help to cope with the changed environment 2 months Educational Content Physical- The educational session will begin with an awareness of basic human physiology and the change of body during puberty and pregnancy for a girl. Then the focus will be on teenage pregnancy, what complications she might have during this stage, what kind of precautions she should have to avoid those issues. In addition, the developmental phases of her baby would also be discussed with delicate changes at each stage. In addition, the learning content will include the healthy diet for a teenage mother, and why it is crucial for a teenage mother (Nesbitt et al., 2012). As she drinks sometime, the content will also include the negative consequences of smoke or alcohol on baby. The lesion regarding delivery, miscarriage and contraception will also be included, as lack of contraception is the key cause of increased sexually transmitted disease in aboriginal teens. Psychological- The psychological learning content will include the emotional regulation, strategies for coping with new phase of life and preparing for being familiar with the new born. It will also include her family member, s she needs support from her family, which will impact on her and her babys health significantly. Teaching Strategies and Importance for the Aries For delivering educational content, following teaching strategies will be used: Interactive class- Aries will be encouraged through interaction and support. As she was not ready for the condition, interactive class will enhance her self-esteem and coping level. Being an aboriginal, she might have a feeling of being discriminated, which in turn causes emotion al stress and hampers the babys growth, thus interaction is very important to reduce her emotional stress (Ruedinger Cox, 2012). Demonstration class- Motherhood is a very crucial phase in life, which needs lots of skills; thus verbal awareness is not enough. For instance, being a teenager, she is not familiar with breast feeding; a demonstration will help her to understand more clearly Power point- It will involve colorful images, grabbing Ariess attention more on the sessions. Audio-visual class- It is a well known strategy in promotional classes, as it helps to gain an insight of the phenomenon practically. As it has been seen that Aries is well at her school, it will enhance her readiness to learn (Sagili et al., 2012). Group discussion- Aries is undergoing a role confusion and, identity crisis, which might impact on her health, if she becomes familiar with more people like her; she will not feel alone and would be able to identify her current role successfully. Involving family- It has been observed that Ariess mother have a dominance over her and no one of her family was prepared for her pregnancy, thus, the overall distress of her family would cause increased emotional distress, enhancing risk to her baby. Involving her family in the promotional activity will enhance both her confidence and supportive nature of her family member, thereby providing a supporting environment. Evaluating Clients Understanding Through a follow up interview and demonstration classes, Ariess understanding about the educational content will be evaluated. Conclusion The teenage pregnancy is one of the pivotal concerns in the society, because most of the time, teens are not prepared for having a baby at this age, both physically and psychologically. In this assignment, the educational promotion of a teenage mother has been demonstrated with objectives and best teaching strategy. Reference List Girard, A. W., Olude, O. (2012). Nutrition education and counselling provided during pregnancy: effects on maternal, neonatal and child health outcomes. Paediatric and perinatal epidemiology, 26(s1), 191-204. Nesbitt, S. A., Campbell, K. A., Jack, S. M., Robinson, H., Piehl, K., Bogdan, J. C. (2012). Canadian adolescent mothers perceptions of influences on breastfeeding decisions: a qualitative descriptive study. BMC pregnancy and childbirth, 12(1), 149. Niccols, A., Milligan, K., Sword, W., Thabane, L., Henderson, J., Smith, A. (2012). Integrated programs for mothers with substance abuse issues: A systematic review of studies reporting on parenting outcomes. Harm reduction journal, 9(1), 1. Orr, S. T., Blazer, D. G., Orr, C. A. (2012). Maternal prenatal depressive symptoms, nicotine addiction, and smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Maternal and child health journal, 16(5), 973-978. Orr, S. T., Blazer, D. G., Orr, C. A. (2012). Maternal prenatal depressive symptoms, nicotine addiction, and smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Maternal and child health journal, 16(5), 973-978. Ruedinger, E., Cox, J. E. (2012). Adolescent childbearing: consequences and interventions. Current opinion in pediatrics, 24(4), 446-452. Ruiz-Mirazo, E., Lopez-Yarto, M., McDonald, S. D. (2012). Group prenatal care versus individual prenatal care: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 34(3), 223-229. Sagili, H., Pramya, N., Prabhu, K., Mascarenhas, M., Rani, P. R. (2012). Are teenage pregnancies at high risk? A comparison study in a developing country. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 285(3), 573-577.

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